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Prashna Kundali Explorer 1

Prashna Kundali Explorer Prashna Kundali Explorer 1

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Prashna Kundali Explorer Publisher's Description

Prashna Kundali Explorer is the world's only horary software based on Vedic Horary Astrology (Prashna) system. The software gives you complete analysis of your query based on Vedic astrology along with numerous charts suitable for analysing the query. It supports multiple techniques like KP Horary, Vedic Number Horary chart, Time Prashna, etc. Detailed predictions include analysis of every contributing factor and also gives a conclusion after judging all factors. This is a great tool for any vedic astrologer, and the only one of its type for Prasna astrology. Some of the features include Prashna Kundali, Sodashvarga Kundalis, Vedic Number Kundali, KP Prashna Kundali, Planetary Strengths, Details of all factor planets in the query, details of all factor houses, yogas in the query, and special combinations that effect the query, conclusion after analysing the entire chart. Has over 200 pre-fed queries, and also has the facility to analyse silent question/unknown question for questions that are not included.

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